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3 Holiday Licorice Treats

3 Holiday Licorice Treats

Licorice is a classic that everyone enjoys. From the salty, chewy black licorice to the sweeter red licorice. Plus, all the different shapes and sizes make licorice a family staple. And, with the holidays coming around, why not start making licorice a holiday tradition as well? These 3 holiday licorice treats will make the perfect holiday treats for family gatherings, stocking stuffers, or just good ol’ fashion snacking!

White Chocolate Dipped Licorice

This yummy snack will go perfectly with hot chocolate or a holiday mulled wine. Either way, get the kids together, put on some holiday music, and make this a family event.

The first thing you will want is to melt some white chocolate. You can use any one of your favorite brands. Or, you can find some white chocolate melts in the grocery store and use those. You can melt the chocolate in the microwave or using the double boiler method.

Once you’ve melted your chocolate you can dip your licorice into the melted chocolate. We recommend using a licorice shape like our Strawberry Pillows to get the best coverage.  Then you or your kids can fish them out using a fork and place them on a prepared parchment-lined baking sheet. Now all you have to do is pop them in the fridge to set and you have a chocolaty, sweet snack to enjoy.

Holiday Trail Mix

This holiday trail mix is the best way to bring together all your favorite holiday treats together. Great to eat with a long movie or by a cozy fireplace, you can make a bulk batch and share it with neighbors. Trail mix is great because you can throw anything together and it works, but to make this a holiday trail mix you need a certain base first.

In a bowl get together a ratio or licorice, peppermint candy, chocolate candies, and mini marshmallows. There’s your base. Depending on your preference, you can mix n’ match the licorice with your mood. Maybe you want to throw in some yummy Salted Dutch $$. Or you might prefer something sweet and sour like our Watermelon Sour Twists. No matter what you choose, your base will be perfect and ready for any other add-ons you want. So get creative and get festive!  

Licorice Marshmallow Treats

This one is a treat that even Santa will prefer over cookies and milk. It’s a take on the classic puffed rice marshmallow squares we all love so much, but with a chewy twist. For this, you will need a bag of marshmallows, puffed rice cereal, and your favorite licorice. We recommend going through our store and looking at our variety of licorice candy and finding the best one for your taste.

Grab your marshmallows and melt them in a bowl, next pour in your puffed rice and throw in pieces of chewy licorice. You can add other mix-ins too. Mix it and then pour it into a greased baking pan. Then all you do is let it set and cut it into squares.

There you have it. 3 yummy and simple holiday treats to make with your Licorice licorice. These make great holiday gifts, stocking stuffers, or snacks. Break them out at your next holiday gathering and the whole family will love them.

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