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Did you know that King Tut loved Licorice? -

Did you know that King Tut loved Licorice?

The life of ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, King Tut (also known as Tutankhamun, but let’s stick to King Tut) revealed an incredible amount of information about what royal life was like in Egypt. But most importantly for our purposes, he revealed that licorice is very far from a new trend as some may presume! Licorice root dates way, way back to centuries ago in Egypt when it was used for pharmaceutical purposes. In fact, when King Tut’s tomb was uncovered,  licorice root was found right next to his valuable treasures. Now if that’s not being obsessed, we don’t know what is!

History has taught us that some other pretty important people were licorice lovers as well! Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar must have followed the King’s lead years later, as there is record of them endorsing licorice and it’s numerous health benefits. So it’s safe to say, licorice is far more than just your average’s a delicacy as rich in history as it is in flavor.

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