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What does red Licorice Taste Like…

What does red Licorice Taste Like…

Let me count the licorice flavors we can enjoy today,

Dozens and dozens in so many shades.


Australian Red comes in expertly crafted twists,

With a soft chewy center and strawberry whiffs.


Bubble Gum Red is sure to delight,

Popping with strawberry flavor in every bite.


Handmade and crafted is the Finnish Red,

Chewy and smooth right ‘till the end.

Dutch Red Laces jam-packed with flavor in every inch,

It’s perfect cure for any sweet tooth in a pinch.


Fruity flavor wheels of Strawberry Spirali,

Indulge the senses like a grand finale.


Mini bites of synergized strawberry and cream,

our Licorice Candy Canes are inspired by dreams.


Red Scotties so cute, juicy and gluten free,

No regrets eating these adorable strawberry treats.


Our Strawberry Sour Twists are tart and sweet,

The combination might just knock you on your feet.


And last but not least are our Red Raspberry Shorties,

The rich juicy flavor is sure to be the hit at any party.


As for the best tasting, We can’t tell you that.

You’ll have to order your own licorice, and send us your feedback!


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